Cook Forest Area Events

< 2024 >
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    100 Route 36, Cooksburg, PA 16217

    Clarion River Boating Program: Portland Mills-Arroyo
    Cook Forest State Park, Park Office
    100 RT 36, Cooksburg, PA 16217-0120

    Cook Forest State Park will be conducting a 6-mile interpretive paddling program from Portland Mills to Arroyo Bridge for experienced canoeists/kayakers only. This section of river is rich in local history. We will pass evidence of the old log booms & mills at Portland Mills as well as bridge remnants of the Clarion River Railway. Come see where John Cobb’s mill was located before he was flooded out at Beech Bottom. Bald eagles & osprey often make an appearance in this secluded wilderness section of the National Wild & Scenic Clarion River. We will meet promptly at the Park Office and car-pool to the starting point up-river. Remember to pack water, protective footwear, raingear, and change of clothes. Don’t forget your fishing poles! Cost is $50/boat with check or money order made out to ‘Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’. Boats and lunch provided to those who register by 7/30. Pre-registration required by contacting the Park Office at (814)744-8407. Program limited to 10 boats. Prior Cook Forest kayak training participants receive a 50% discount. See you on the river!

    Friday, August 2, 2024 8:30am to 4

  • All day
    Cook Forest Sawmill Art Center, Cooksburg, PA, United States

    July 26 – 27, 2024 at 8 pm
    July 28, 2024 at 2 pm
    August 2 – 3, 2024 at 8 pm
    August 4, 2024 at 2 pm

    Tickets: $15.00

    Bye Bye Birdie was first produced on Broadway in 1962, and was later adapted for film. In 1995, the remake, a made for television special followed the play storyline more closely, than the original film.

    Bye Bye Birdie revolves around Rock & Roll Superstar Conrad Birdie and his agent, Albert Peterson, who has gone into debt promoting him. All of Alberts hard work is finally going to pay off when Birdie is drafted into the Army. To make matters worse, Rosie, Albert’s long time secretary and love interest, quits. She’s waited eight years for Albert to quit the music business and become a “settled down English teacher.” Rosie comes up with a plan to pay off Albert’s debts by staging a publicity stunt prior to Birdie leaving for the Army. On the Ed Sullivan Show, one lucky girl will be given a “Last Kiss” by Conrad Birdie before he goes off to the Army. Welcome to Sweet Apple, Ohio, home of Kim MacAffee, the lucky girl, her family, and friends, and a cast of towns people you will not soon forget, not to mention Albert’s long suffering and insufferable mother, Mae. Together they make a cast of characters that will warm your heart, make you laugh, and want to dance along.

  • All day
    100 Route 36, Cooksburg, PA 16217

    Please bring your river sneakers, swimsuits, and snorkels to the Park Office as we drive to nearby watersheds to search for and identify hard to find underwater creatures. Various species of fish, mussels, snakes and salamanders often make an appearance. This is truly a wilderness experience. Expect no public bathrooms. Bring lunch & water. Children must be with a participating adult.

    Saturday, August 3, 2024 10am to 2pm

  • All day
    Cook Forest Sawmill Art Center, Cooksburg, PA, United States

    July 26 – 27, 2024 at 8 pm
    July 28, 2024 at 2 pm
    August 2 – 3, 2024 at 8 pm
    August 4, 2024 at 2 pm

    Tickets: $15.00

    Bye Bye Birdie was first produced on Broadway in 1962, and was later adapted for film. In 1995, the remake, a made for television special followed the play storyline more closely, than the original film.

    Bye Bye Birdie revolves around Rock & Roll Superstar Conrad Birdie and his agent, Albert Peterson, who has gone into debt promoting him. All of Alberts hard work is finally going to pay off when Birdie is drafted into the Army. To make matters worse, Rosie, Albert’s long time secretary and love interest, quits. She’s waited eight years for Albert to quit the music business and become a “settled down English teacher.” Rosie comes up with a plan to pay off Albert’s debts by staging a publicity stunt prior to Birdie leaving for the Army. On the Ed Sullivan Show, one lucky girl will be given a “Last Kiss” by Conrad Birdie before he goes off to the Army. Welcome to Sweet Apple, Ohio, home of Kim MacAffee, the lucky girl, her family, and friends, and a cast of towns people you will not soon forget, not to mention Albert’s long suffering and insufferable mother, Mae. Together they make a cast of characters that will warm your heart, make you laugh, and want to dance along.

  • All day
    Cook Forest Sawmill Art Center, Cooksburg, PA, United States

    July 26 – 27, 2024 at 8 pm
    July 28, 2024 at 2 pm
    August 2 – 3, 2024 at 8 pm
    August 4, 2024 at 2 pm

    Tickets: $15.00

    Bye Bye Birdie was first produced on Broadway in 1962, and was later adapted for film. In 1995, the remake, a made for television special followed the play storyline more closely, than the original film.

    Bye Bye Birdie revolves around Rock & Roll Superstar Conrad Birdie and his agent, Albert Peterson, who has gone into debt promoting him. All of Alberts hard work is finally going to pay off when Birdie is drafted into the Army. To make matters worse, Rosie, Albert’s long time secretary and love interest, quits. She’s waited eight years for Albert to quit the music business and become a “settled down English teacher.” Rosie comes up with a plan to pay off Albert’s debts by staging a publicity stunt prior to Birdie leaving for the Army. On the Ed Sullivan Show, one lucky girl will be given a “Last Kiss” by Conrad Birdie before he goes off to the Army. Welcome to Sweet Apple, Ohio, home of Kim MacAffee, the lucky girl, her family, and friends, and a cast of towns people you will not soon forget, not to mention Albert’s long suffering and insufferable mother, Mae. Together they make a cast of characters that will warm your heart, make you laugh, and want to dance along.

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    Clear Creek State Park, Clear Creek Road, Sigel, PA, United States

    Join the park naturalist at the extra car parking lot near the bridge in the campground to hike Truby trail, Sawmill trail and the Clear Creek trail to make a 2-mile loop back into the campground. This is a more difficult hike with steeper inclines and drops throughout these three trails. Please bring water, wear bug spray and wear your hiking apparel.

    Thursday, August 8, 2024 6pm to 7:30pm

    Clear Creek State Park, Extra Car Parking lot in campground

    38 Clear Creek Park Road, Sigel, PA 15860-6702

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  • All day
    38 Clear Creek Park Road, Sigel, PA 15860

    Join the park naturalist at the amphitheater, to learn about the totally rad reptiles that we have in Pennsylvania. We will learn about the differences in a venomous snake and a non-venomous snake and different types of turtles. Possible live reptiles.

    Friday, August 16, 2024 7:30pm to 8:30pm

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    38 Clear Creek Park Road, Sigel, PA 15860

    It’s National Relaxation Day! Join the park naturalist at the amphitheater for some coffee, hot tea, or hot chocolate while we listen to the birds chirping in the morning. In case of bad weather, this event will be canceled.

    Thursday, August 15, 2024 9am to 10:30am

  • All day
    100 Route 36, Cooksburg, PA 16217

    Cook Forest State Park will be conducting a two-day ‘Old Growth Forest Ecosystems Educator Workshop’. This course is considered an Advanced Project Learning Tree workshop with educators having the option to receive Act 48 hours.

    Teachers will receive a copy of ‘Eastern Old Growth Forests: Prospects for Rediscovery and Recovery’ by Mary Byrd Davis and the ’Sierra Club Guide to the Ancient Forests of the Northeast’ by Dr. Bruce Kershner and Robert Leverett.

    This workshop will emphasize old growth forest characteristics when delineating forest types between ancient and younger age stands within Cook Forest State Park, Hearts Content, and Anders Run Natural Areas. Various forest measuring tools and techniques will be utilized. Advanced tree identification via ancient bark character and shape will be presented as well as field identification of reptiles, birds, and amphibians associated with old growth forests.

    Workshop Logistics:

    Title: Old Growth Forest Ecosystems Educator Workshop

    Dates: August 15-16, 2024

    Time: 8:30AM – 4:30PM

    Location: First day begins at the Cook Forest State Park Office. We will car-pool the second day to Hearts Content and Anders Run Natural Areas.

    Group Size: 10-30

    Lunch: bring bag lunch, refreshments provided

    Dress: bring rain gear and hiking boots

    Cost: secure registration by 8/7/24 with $100 check or money order made out to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and send to:

    Cook Forest State Park, ATTN: Old Growth Forest Ecosystems, P.O. Box 120, Cooksburg, PA 16217

    For inquiries, please contact Dale Luthringer at [email protected] or (814)744-8475.

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  • All day

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  • All day
    100 Route 36, Cooksburg, PA 16217

    Cook Forest State Park will be conducting a two-day ‘Old Growth Forest Ecosystems Educator Workshop’. This course is considered an Advanced Project Learning Tree workshop with educators having the option to receive Act 48 hours.

    Teachers will receive a copy of ‘Eastern Old Growth Forests: Prospects for Rediscovery and Recovery’ by Mary Byrd Davis and the ’Sierra Club Guide to the Ancient Forests of the Northeast’ by Dr. Bruce Kershner and Robert Leverett.

    This workshop will emphasize old growth forest characteristics when delineating forest types between ancient and younger age stands within Cook Forest State Park, Hearts Content, and Anders Run Natural Areas. Various forest measuring tools and techniques will be utilized. Advanced tree identification via ancient bark character and shape will be presented as well as field identification of reptiles, birds, and amphibians associated with old growth forests.

    Workshop Logistics:

    Title: Old Growth Forest Ecosystems Educator Workshop

    Dates: August 15-16, 2024

    Time: 8:30AM – 4:30PM

    Location: First day begins at the Cook Forest State Park Office. We will car-pool the second day to Hearts Content and Anders Run Natural Areas.

    Group Size: 10-30

    Lunch: bring bag lunch, refreshments provided

    Dress: bring rain gear and hiking boots

    Cost: secure registration by 8/7/24 with $100 check or money order made out to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and send to:

    Cook Forest State Park, ATTN: Old Growth Forest Ecosystems, P.O. Box 120, Cooksburg, PA 16217

    For inquiries, please contact Dale Luthringer at [email protected] or (814)744-8475.

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  • All day
    Cook Forest Sawmill Art Center, Cooksburg, PA, United States

    August 21 – 23, 2024 at 8 pm
    August 24, 2024 at 2 pm
    Tickets: $15.00

    It’s December 20, 1970, and Elvis Presley has disappeared. No one, not even his wily manager, “The Colonel,” knows of his whereabouts. But the Colonel is all shook up because he has racked up a secret debt — and with the King himself missing, the only way to pay it off is to find an Elvis impersonator within 24 hours. Hijinks ensue as the Colonel takes desperate measures to replace a man who is irreplaceable, all while keeping the prying eyes of a nosy reporter at bay and figuring out what happened to the real Elvis.

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  • All day
    Cook Forest Sawmill Art Center, Cooksburg, PA, United States

    August 21 – 23, 2024 at 8 pm
    August 24, 2024 at 2 pm
    Tickets: $15.00

    It’s December 20, 1970, and Elvis Presley has disappeared. No one, not even his wily manager, “The Colonel,” knows of his whereabouts. But the Colonel is all shook up because he has racked up a secret debt — and with the King himself missing, the only way to pay it off is to find an Elvis impersonator within 24 hours. Hijinks ensue as the Colonel takes desperate measures to replace a man who is irreplaceable, all while keeping the prying eyes of a nosy reporter at bay and figuring out what happened to the real Elvis.

  • All day

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  • All day
    100 Route 36, Cooksburg, PA 16217

    Cook Forest State Park will be conducting a two-day ‘Old Growth Forest Ecosystems Educator Workshop’. This course is considered an Advanced Project Learning Tree workshop with educators having the option to receive Act 48 hours.

    Cook Forest State Park and the Jefferson County History Center will be conducting an interpretive 3.8 mile boating program on the Allegheny River. We will be putting in at the Buckaloons Recreation Area and plan on making stops at Crulls Island, the General Irvine plantation, and Thompsons Island highlighting magnificent bottomland forests and history along the way. Crulls Island is touted to hold old growth. Sycamore have been found on the islands to reach heights surpassing 140ft. Thompsons Island was the site of the only Revolutionary war battle fought in Northwestern Pennsylvania. We will meet promptly at the Park Office and car-pool to the starting point at the Buckaloons. Remember to wear proper river footwear. All boats and appropriate gear provided. Cost is $50/boat with check or money order made out to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Only experienced boaters permitted. Lunch provided to those who register by 8/19 by calling the Park Office at (814)744-8407. Prior Cook Forest kayak training participants receive a 50% discount.

    Friday, August 23, 2024 8am to 4:30pm

  • All day
    Cook Forest Sawmill Art Center, Cooksburg, PA, United States

    August 21 – 23, 2024 at 8 pm
    August 24, 2024 at 2 pm
    Tickets: $15.00

    It’s December 20, 1970, and Elvis Presley has disappeared. No one, not even his wily manager, “The Colonel,” knows of his whereabouts. But the Colonel is all shook up because he has racked up a secret debt — and with the King himself missing, the only way to pay it off is to find an Elvis impersonator within 24 hours. Hijinks ensue as the Colonel takes desperate measures to replace a man who is irreplaceable, all while keeping the prying eyes of a nosy reporter at bay and figuring out what happened to the real Elvis.

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  • All day
    100 Route 36, Cooksburg, PA 16217

    There are incredible places to explore along the Clarion and Allegheny River watersheds that hold wonderful scenic beauty, historic archaeological sites, and seldom viewed animals, right here in our own backyard. We will leave promptly at the Park Office where we will be car-pooling potentially dozens of miles out to some of these areas. We will be taking long energetic difficult hikes through often steep muddy weedy off-trail terrain into some of these hard to reach, but incredibly rewarding places. Things to possibly see along the way include huge conglomerate boulders, scenic vistas, rock outcrops, and seldom seen herps. Sorry, but participants must be in excellent physical shape to attempt this program. Please bring good hiking boots, walking stick, lunch, and plenty of water.

    Saturday, August 24, 2024 8am to 2pm

  • All day
    Cook Forest Sawmill Art Center, Cooksburg, PA, United States

    August 21 – 23, 2024 at 8 pm
    August 24, 2024 at 2 pm
    Tickets: $15.00

    It’s December 20, 1970, and Elvis Presley has disappeared. No one, not even his wily manager, “The Colonel,” knows of his whereabouts. But the Colonel is all shook up because he has racked up a secret debt — and with the King himself missing, the only way to pay it off is to find an Elvis impersonator within 24 hours. Hijinks ensue as the Colonel takes desperate measures to replace a man who is irreplaceable, all while keeping the prying eyes of a nosy reporter at bay and figuring out what happened to the real Elvis.

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  • All day
    100 Route 36, Cooksburg, PA 16217

    Cook Forest State Park will be conducting a 5.4 mile interpretive guided float down the National Wild & Scenic Clarion River from Arroyo Bridge to Spring Creek. This section of river is rich in local history and contains the most challenging set of rapids on the river, “THE X,Y,Z”. We will be passing remnants of the Arroyo Tannery and have lunch along the abandoned Clarion River Railway near the Lilly Pond. This is a true wilderness experience. Fishing is excellent here so don’t forget your poles! Only experienced boaters permitted. Please meet at the Park Office where we will drive to the starting point. Boats, appropriate gear, and lunch provided to those who register by 8/28 by contacting the Park Office at (814)744-8407. Registration limited to 10 boats. Cost is $50/boat payable by cash, check, or money order made out to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Prior Cook Forest kayak training participants receive a 50% discount.

    Friday, August 30, 2024 8:30am to 4:30pm

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    Please bring your binoculars and meet at the Fire Tower Parking Lot for an historical interpretive tour of the Fire Tower and Seneca Point by DCNR Conservation Volunteer, Greg Burns. Learn about local logging history, observe Indian sign, and take a breathtaking view from the top of the Fire Tower.

    Friday, August 30, 2024 1pm to 3pm

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